I took these photos of Bailey (he's 1.5 now!) because his hair was especially unruly one day (Savanna poured milk on him), and he looked just like a baby orangutan to me. Hey, if you run out of mousse or hair gel, maybe milk'll do the trick!
Save the Orangutans! They're part of our family - literally!
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Suborder: Haplorrhini
Family: Hominidae (chimps, gorillas, humans, and orangutans)
Only gorillas and chimpanzees are more closely related to humans, and all possess cognitive abilities comparable to us...
What if they were tearing down our homes or killing us to take our baby as a pet? Would we stand for it? Of course, they would never do such a thing...
Savanna is now 3 and 1/4. Here is a recent photo of her, all glammed up after I curled her hair with my steam rollers - it's fun to have a girl!

Here is a recent photo of Dallas & Noah from cub scout day camp, all glammed up after spending a day in the sweltering Texas heat - boys are fun, too!

And a cute recent picture of Bailey - on a better hair day:

Such a cute smile!
Check out that single tiny dimple on the left (your left).
He's going to have the ladies swimming in those eyes of his!
(Case in point: I bet you didn't even notice that HUGE booger hanging in his nose - his eyes are that hypnotic! =-)