Confetti Egg Party!
Dallas is the first to get whacked!

Then Savanna.

Bailey's been smacked!

Savanna's got the hang of it now!

Here comes another one!
I think she's picking on Bailey because she can reach him.

Oh, my head.

Hey! Not the Mama!

Shake it out.

Cleaning Mama's hair:

Daddy's turn for a cleaning.

I told Savanna to clean Daddy like the monkeys do (eat it).

She looks at it.

And goes for it!

Hmmm, that was... interesting.
Most fittingly, she is a Monkey on the Chinese Zodiac.
MOST fitting!

That was fun!

Chocolate time!
Earless Bunny:
Earless Bunny #2 - Do I detect a trend?
Why does everybody like to eat the ears first?
Mmmm. Chocolate.
And here's a "kiss" goodbye...
:-x XoXo ;-)