I am home alone for a bit having left my job for another that is closer to home and will allow me the opportunity to spend more time with my family. I find myself comparing in contrast quiet and chaos. Parenthood is such a blessing. Isn't it awesome the tidal wave of love that washes over you the moment you hear your child's first cry and feel that soul next to yours? It's a forever love that does not diminish, no matter the circumstance. I cannot think of or imagine anything that compares to the feeling other than how God feels for His children, only I know mine is not a perfect love. I would say 9 out of 10 times, when people see or learn I have 4 kids, they are taken aback and look upon me with wide eyes or pity, and often comments follow that reflect apparent doubts about my sanity, probably because they are thinking of all the messes, quarrels, and chaos - all valid thoughts. I feel like we may never catch up on housework, and a quiet home is a rare experience. Yet peace and joy are ever present, even amidst the chaos. Unconditional love brings peace and joy with it that, if you let it, supersedes any negative thoughts or emotions. We do not usually pity or question the sanity of those with lots of grandchildren & great grandchildren. We smile and think how blessed they are, and it seems most grandparents relish being surrounded by grandchildren in abundance which, by the way, you only get if you have kids of your own. One may suppose this is because they have the option of brief encounters. Enjoy them for a while, spoil them shamelessly, then give them back! However, I believe maturing brings wisdom and the realization, in retrospect, that love is all that matters in life and worth anything that challenges us and that grandparents spoil with love, affection, and sometimes things because they feel like they didn't bask in the love their children offered freely when they had the chance. Why wait until then to delight in such bounty? And how many people actually look back and regret having children even if raising them was a long, rocky road? There is no need to pity us who have lots of kids. Rather think of that feeling when you first embraced your sweet baby or the way you felt larger than yourself after you said, "I do." Now multiply it by 2, 4, 10. The more people you love and allow to love you, the more love resides in your heart. Think of it this way, and you will get a glimpse of our great fortune. I am sitting here right now surrounded by stillness and quiet where maybe I should feel peace and tranquility, but I find myself missing and longing for the noise and chaos. For me, that is where the love is.