Saturday, December 02, 2006

"Nani Go Round-Round"

Here's Bubby in his walker. Dan was trying to show me how Savanna liked it when he spinned her around and around really fast (to get her dizzy - it's somehow entertaining to get kids and cats dizzy and watch them try to walk like little drunkards), or as she says "Nani go round-round," but she wouldn't do it. So as always if you want a kid to do something, do it with the sibling, and they will inevitably get jealous and do what you want. Oh, how deviously we can manipulate our children! (Hey, it sometimes works on adults - I mean, how many movies have you seen where the girl tries to get the attention of a guy by going out with someone else!)

And here's Savanna getting jealous as planned:

Nani go round-round!

I love the way you can see the effects of velocity on her hair!

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