Saturday, August 25, 2007

Yay! Popcorn Show & Sell is OVER!

Dallas & Noah sold a little over $1000 of popcorn for our pack!

Last year, they sold $840, but then the pack ran out of popcorn before S&S was even over. But our popcorn kernal ordered more popcorn this year, so we talked to the boys, and they set their goal together to sell $1000. I totally believed they could do it. However, I worried a little when we had 2 different colds go through our family during that time, and Dallas had a pretty bad asthma episode and came down with pneumonia. It would be understandable if they didn't meet their goal, but they pulled it off after only 3 weeks. They put in over 20 hours of selling to accomplish it which is equal to a part time job! Because they worked so hard in the face of adversity, we decided to let them stop selling after meeting their goal. We gave away a prime selling location for tomorrow so another scout could get closer to their goal. I am so proud of our boys and Dan for taking them out there.

Way to go Dallas & Noah!!!

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