Saturday, October 21, 2006

Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch

The original plan was for Dan to take the boys to Six Flags, this was the last weekend they would be open, but Dallas was not feeling well (he was making deposits to the porcelain bank, if you know what I mean). They were pretty upset, so we tried to think of something we could do that Dallas could enjoy. We brought along a bucket just in case (thank goodness!), and made the drive down to San Antonio. It was awesome! We will have to do it again someday so Dallas can get the full experience. If you want to check it out click here. If you do a google search for "natural bridge wildlife coupon" you are sure to find a coupon for at least $1 off all the tickets, and you can spend those savings on extra food ($1 a bag), so everyone can have a bag. We all had a bag, even Savanna, and we still ran out of food! You feel really bad for the rams at the end because you know they don't get as much because people run out. And Monica told us to be sure to save some for them, which we did, but there are a lot of rams at the very end. Enjoy the pics!

You have to close your window when the ostriches walk up unless you want to get pecked! A couple of cars in front of us was a convertible - I wonder what they did!

An emu, I think.

Rhinos - I wonder why they don't let them roam? =)

My favorite:

Just like some people have more pushy personalities, it is so also with zebras!

Open wide!

Aww... Mama nursing:

She's driving before Dallas and Noah! Savanna at the wheel:

The rams are quite pushy also. We got trapped once and had to lure them away from the front of the car with some food. I wonder if this is a con!

Baby rams:

Giraffe - I love the effect of the sun behind him.

Wallaby, I think. I've heard of them but never seen one - I thought they would be bigger like kangaroos. They look like mini kangaroos:

Another family took this for us and we returned the favor for them. If you notice Dallas is missing. He is in the car because at the end of the tour, he was feeling worse, poor baby. We'll have to go back in the spring maybe. And, yes, Savanna's shirt is too big. She is wearing one of the boys' old shirts - it has Spongebob on it!

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