Thursday, August 10, 2006

Scout Night at Dell Diamond - August 1, 2006

We took the kids to a ball game, the first time I ever sat this close to a field. Since I am from Houston, home of the Astros, I only ever sat in the nosebleed seats in the Astrodome! (Hey, I am totally off topic, but Dan's dad did the plumbing for the Reliant Stadium, where the Astros play now and also where Dan and I saw Bon Jovi in February with Monica, Albert and our friends Chris and Erin.) Back on topic: The Round Rock Express is the minor league team for the Astros, so it is pretty cool to see these players since the Astros have been doing pretty well lately. In fact, often times they will put on a huge fire works show that rivals the 4th of July show after the Express win an important game. We can see these fireworks from our back porch or from an upstairs room. Pretty cool, huh? Our dog, Chelsea, is not too keen on it though; she hides behind the couch when they are shooting the fireworks. There were no fireworks at this game, but it was still a fun family night. Here are some photos from the game:

Savanna was "Keeper of the Cup." No one could have a drink unless they knew the secret code word AND she was in a gracious mood.

Dan, Bub, and Dallas:

Noah, Bailey (fingers always in mouth), and me:

This is when Cody Ransom hit a home run for a grand slam - that was cool to see!

Dallas cheering at the end when the Express won the game:

What was cool about tonight's game was that afterwards, the scouts got to stay and do some fun things like swimming and rock climbing, and they brought in pizza and played a movie on the scoreboard, "8 Below". The kids thought it was the greatest thing and want to go do it again whenever they can although Dan, having to work the next day, found it extremely difficult to sleep, what with all the trains going by and with some kids up until after 2am in the morning running around the field. here is a pic of the field covered with sleeping bags:

I think Dan might have to do this again next year - poor Dan!! TTFN - Carrie

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